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Sky it freeze and glitches

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  • Sky it freeze and glitches

    i have a sky it card 09cd (16 entitlements) on oscam unstabe r8913,CCcam 2.0.11 ubuntu 12 server core2duo. it freeze after 10 -20 sec for 2 sec.
    After 2-3 hours my card show no etitilements and the error that i saw at log file was:"[videoguard2-reader] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok"
    i have tried many config but still the same!
    i will be glad if you would help me for some config or for some other things that i dont know!

  • #2

    Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

    Hi !! With this config ecm very stable. You can comment if you want ins7e increases stability '
    label                         = sky
    protocol                      = internal
    device                        = /dev/sci1
    cacheex                       = 1
    caid                          = 09CD
    boxid                         = 00112233
    ins7e11                       = 15
    ecmwhitelist                  = 09CD@000000:B7,51
    ecmheaderwhitelist            = 09CD:8070B4000001,8170B4000001
    detect                        = cd
    mhz                           = 500
    ident                         = 09CD:000000
    group                         = 2
    blockemm-unknown              = 1
    blockemm-s                    = 1
    blockemm-g                    = 1
    saveemm-u                     = 1


    • #3

      Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

      What protocol do you use? Tried camd35? and why not to use in oscam dvbapi without ccam?


      • #4

        Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

        pls paste ur log
        Mio Spazio Personale

        Mio Hobby

        - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
        - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
        Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
        - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
        - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
        OpenATV 6.0
        - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
        - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
        - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
        EGAMI 8.0
        - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0
        - VU SOLO CLONE - BLACKHOLE 2.1.4

        - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
        - TP-LINK ARCHER D2
        - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
        - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
        - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
        - NanoStation M2
        - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

        Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
        Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
        Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
        Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


        Consiglio ;
        Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
        Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
        Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


        • #5

          Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

          Ins 40 ? " patch 23 " on your oscam ?


          • #6

            Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

            thanks my friends for your replies,
            my config file here

            logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
            nice = -1
            maxlogsize = 200
            waitforcards_extra_delay = 5
            preferlocalcards = 1
            readerrestartseconds = 1
            dropdups = 1
            usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
            cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw.log
            emmlogdir = /var/log/oscam/emm.log
            failbantime = 5
            failbancount = 1440

            port = 34000@09CD:000000
            key = 0102030405060708091011121314
            keepalive = 1

            port = 988
            aulow = 120
            monlevel = 0
            hideclient_to = 15

            httpport = 8888
            httpuser = ***x
            httppwd = ***x
            httpallowed =
            aulow = 120
            hideclient_to = 15

            user = userx
            pwd = passx
            group = 1
            uniq = 1
            caid = 09cd
            ident = 09cd:000000
            services = cinema,intrat,generalisti,sport,calcio,formula1,cu ltu,music,ragaz,notizie,servizio,altri,promo,hdpro mo,!opzionali
            #AU = 0
            keepalive = 1

            label = skyit
            protocol = smartreader
            device = 001:003
            services = cinema,intrat,generalisti,sport,calcio,formula1,cu ltu,music,ragaz,notizie,servizio,altri,promo,hdpro mo,!opzionali
            caid = 09CD
            boxid = 12345678
            ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7
            ecmheaderwhitelist = 8070B4000001,8170B4000001
            detect = cd
            mhz = 600
            cardmhz = 600
            ident = 09CD:000000
            group = 1
            emmcache = 1,1,2
            blockemm-unknown = 1
            blockemm-u = 1
            blockemm-s = 1
            blockemm-g = 1
            blockemm-bylen = 183,81
            #lb_weight = 110
            blocknano = all
            audisabled = 1

            i use oscam with CCcam 2.0.11

            no patch 23 mr. cliff.t

            do you think the cardreader have the problem?
            i use smartreader argolis. the log file from server at morning:

            "2013/09/25 09:28:09 8762110 c user241 (09CD&000000/051E/2C2E/B7:BB88F53B96FC4F4787B150839ADE1266): found (94 ms) by skyit - Baby TV
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 8779080 c user238 (09CD&000000/0E9E/0E2E/B7:3BC4D66C12FFEE8F63DBF5CF1086B5F3): not found (2064 ms) by skyit - Alice
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 9c 00
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 8762110 c user241 (09CD&000000/0CE7/3402/B7:E12B244F198527187A156518E76FB24A): not found (1594 ms) by skyit - Primafila 12
            2013/09/25 09:28:11 8762110 c user241 (09CD&000000/0658/2D68/B7:5B5567BC9B666FCDA555782F4C2694CD): rejected group (0 ms) - Sky Selection (no matching reader)
            2013/09/25 09:28:13 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
            2013/09/25 09:28:13 B70D2BE0 r skyit [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety"

            mr. Ruben , i saw your config here and i did but still the same.
            evrey 3 hours or more i have the same error. i have and sky de 09c4 but no error at that card.

            thanks again


            • #7

              Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

              please use just 3 files. user,server,conf.

              and use normal conf for skyitalia

              label                         = SkyITA
              enable                        = 1
              protocol                      = smartreader
              device                        = 001:003
              caid                          = 09CD
              boxid                         = 12345678
              detect                        = cd
              ident                         = 09CD:000000
              group                         = 1
              emmcache                      = 1,1,2
              blockemm-unknown              = 1
              blockemm-u                    = 1
              blockemm-s                    = 1
              blockemm-g                    = 1
              Mio Spazio Personale

              Mio Hobby

              - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
              - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
              Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
              - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
              - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
              OpenATV 6.0
              - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
              - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
              - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
              EGAMI 8.0
              - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0
              - VU SOLO CLONE - BLACKHOLE 2.1.4

              - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
              - TP-LINK ARCHER D2
              - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
              - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
              - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
              - NanoStation M2
              - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

              Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
              Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
              Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
              Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


              Consiglio ;
              Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
              Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
              Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


              • #8

                Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

                thanks my friend,

                i will do and i will notice you.

                thanks again


                • #9

                  Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

                  still the same :(

                  2013/09/25 10:57:07 8660BE0 c user238 (09CD&000000/4339/1D21/2A:1D6DE3278FAFC78C0FCBFD56E69205D3): not found (71 ms) by SkyIT
                  2013/09/25 10:57:09 86235E8 r SkyIT [videoguard2] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
                  2013/09/25 10:57:09 86235E8 r SkyIT [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
                  2013/09/25 10:57:09 8665348 c user241 (09CD&000000/0805/1D21/BC:05944B7C1515C313B1FFA81F85B644F9): not found (2003 ms) by SkyIT
                  2013/09/25 10:57:11 86235E8 r SkyIT [videoguard2] classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
                  2013/09/25 10:57:11 86235E8 r SkyIT [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety

                  should i use any patch?
                  shuld i see something at smartreader?


                  • #10

                    Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

                    you used just 3 files?
                    Mio Spazio Personale

                    Mio Hobby

                    - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
                    - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
                    Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
                    - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
                    - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
                    OpenATV 6.0
                    - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
                    - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
                    - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
                    EGAMI 8.0
                    - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0
                    - VU SOLO CLONE - BLACKHOLE 2.1.4

                    - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
                    - TP-LINK ARCHER D2
                    - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
                    - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
                    - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
                    - NanoStation M2
                    - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

                    Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
                    Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
                    Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
                    Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


                    Consiglio ;
                    Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
                    Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
                    Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


                    • #11

                      Re: Sky it freeze and glitches

                      yes i did RuBeN,
                      i left only osca.conf, oscam.user and oscam.server
                      i deleted all the others on usr/local/etc/

                      any patch 23 for ubuntu, as cliff said, will solve my error?

                      Thank U


                      • #12

                        Re: Sky it freeze and glitches


                        i tested my peer and one of them had put my line in multics.
                        i disable it and my card dont have any more "classD0 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00"

                        but still freeze(
                        glitches) after 10 sec for 2 sec.

                        any help?


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