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Anton Bruckner - Symphonies (complete) (CD 10)

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  • Anton Bruckner - Symphonies (complete) (CD 10)

    Anton Bruckner - Symphonies (Complete) (Eugen Jochum, Staatskapelle Dresden (1-9).

    Skrowaczewski, Saarbrücken RSO

    [ 2005 / FLAC / Lossless / Log ]

    Ripped with EAC, using Wine 0.9.43 and 0.9.44 on Kubuntu
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    Average Compression: 42.07%
    Tagged with Picard/Musicbrainz with modifications made in other editors
    VorbisGain tags applied with the Amarok ReplayGain script
    Typed up booklet/liner notes and 300dpi cover scans included
    Bruckner: Symphonies [complete]
    Eugen Jochum, Staatskapelle Dresden [CD's 1-9]
    Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra [CD 10]
    List of Albums:

    Disc 1: Symphony No. 1 in C minor, WAB 101
    1. [12:28] I. Allegro
    2. [12:37] II. Adagio
    3. [09:02] III. Scherzo. Schnell
    4. [12:55] IV. Finale. Bewegt, feurig

    Disc 2: Symphony No. 2 in C minor, WAB 102
    1. [18:00] I. Moderato
    2. [14:57] II. Andante
    3. [06:54] III. Scherzo: Mäßig schnell
    4. [12:45] IV. Finale: Mehr schnell

    Disc 3: Symphony No. 3 in D minor, WAB 103
    1. [20:50] I. Mehr langsam, misterioso
    2. [15:38] II. Adagio, bewegt, quasi Andante
    3. [07:40] III. Ziemlich bewegt
    4. [11:01] IV. Allegro

    Disc 4: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major, WAB 104 "Romantic"
    1. [17:52] I. Bewegt, nicht zu schnell
    2. [16:43] II. Andante quasi Allegretto
    3. [10:07] III. Scherzo: Bewegt
    4. [20:19] IV. Finale: Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell

    Disc 5: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major, WAB 105
    1. [21:25] I. Adagio - Allegro
    2. [19:15] II. Adagio. Sehr langsam
    3. [13:04] III. Scherzo. Molto vivace, schnell
    4. [21:41] IV. Finale. Adagio - Allegro moderato

    Disc 6: Symphony No. 6 in A major, WAB 106
    1. [16:11] I. Maestoso
    2. [18:36] II. Adagio: Sehr feierlich
    3. [07:58] III. Scherzo: Nicht schnell - Trio. Langsam
    4. [13:35] IV. Finale: Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell

    Disc 7: Symphony No. 7 in E major, WAB 107
    1. [21:05] I. Allegro moderato
    2. [25:54] II. Adagio: Sehr feierlich und langsam
    3. [10:02] III. Scherzo: Sehr schnell - Trio. Etwas langsamer
    4. [12:25] IV. Finale: Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell

    Disc 8: Symphony No. 8 in C minor, WAB 108
    1. [13:55] I. Allegro moderato
    2. [14:00] II. Scherzo. Allegro moderato
    3. [27:24] III. Adagio. Feierlich langsam, doch nicht schleppend
    4. [20:45] IV. Finale. Feierlich, nicht schnell

    Disc 9: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, WAB 109
    1. [23:06] I. Feierlich, misterioso
    2. [09:58] II. Scherzo. Bewegt, lebhaft - Trio. Schnell
    3. [27:39] III. Adagio. Langsam, feierlich

    Disc 10: Symphony No. 0 in D minor, WAB 100 "Nullte"
    1. [13:53] I. Allegro
    2. [13:21] II. Andante
    3. [06:44] III. Scherzo
    4. [10:56] IV. Finale, moderato

    Editorial Review]Here's a welcome box of all Bruckner's numbered symphonies led by a distinguished specialist renowned during his lifetime for his identification with the composer. Neatly laid out with each symphony on a disc of its own (no annoying midsymphony changeovers) and in top-quality late-1970s sound, this is an irresistible bargain for such superb performances. Jochum's Bruckner was spontaneous-sounding, with generally swift tempos tempered by flexible rhythms and slow movements that squeeze all the juice from this heartfelt music. The Dresden orchestra is a marvelous instrument for these works, with a beefy, warm sound and brass players that can whip up the excitement in the grand climaxes. Individual conductors, whether vintage greats like Furtwängler or more recent Brucknerians such as Wand on RCA and Tintner on Naxos, may equal or better Jochum in individual works, but taken as a complete traversal of these massive scores, Jochum's is second to none. --Dan Davis

    Customer Review]This is indeed the EMI set of Jochum (his second, with the Dresden Staatskapelle) - and for good meassure BRILLIANT threw in the "Nullte" (0) with Skrowaczewski. That being established, it gets a hearty recommendation because you get an additional (and very well performed) Bruckner symphony for less money. Jochum's Bruckner is nothing if not very good and reliable... ever consistent (there is little give or take between this and the earlier Munich/Berlin cycle on DG) and respectful to Bruckner. Jochum's is the safest of recommendations in complete Bruckner sets - and that's not damning with faint praise, either. I may prefer Guenter Wand or Celibidache (an extroverted choice if you haven't already come well acquainted with Bruckner) but I never mind returning to Jochum.

    codice: Bruckner Symphonies complete CD 10.rar.html
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