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StreamMeNG for Coolstream HD

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  • StreamMeNG for Coolstream HD

    StreamMeNG 0.83

    Version 0.83 Final 14.05.10

    Bug Fixes:
    * Manual stop a scheduled recording will no longer be a dead lock.
    * Switching the host manager could eventually lead to dead-lock - fixed.
    * The annoying Shut-down recording of the manager (Dead - Lock) is now fixed.
    * Various changes to the plugin API has been made to avoid dead locks.
    * Kaspersky has fixed a problem, it was on a small StreamMeNG CRLF gefehlt.Funktioniert
    now with active Web filter.
    * On Windows 7 or Vista is not now in a longer operation in main window
    Message "application has stopped responding" message.
    * Reading the Kannallisten in Coolstream goes again (timeout problem)
    * OSCAM Monitor Plugin is adapted to the latest version of the OSCAM.
    * The Coolstream detection works now also for the original image, had no prior
    Box for testing.
    * In the inclusion list of the record appear Manager now no more zombies.
    * Minor bug fixes.

    New Features:
    * The Coolstream now Supportet with (certainly one or the other function is not yet
    but I am relying on your instructions as I myself have no Coolstream).
    * If a scheduled recording shows you StreamMeNG Now the remaining recording time in the
    Status line.
    * Because there is so slow out of space in the status bar, I have the layout changed a bit.
    * Migrated to Visual Studio 2010 (latest developer platform)
    * Migrated to the latest Windows Installer XML

  • #2


    Version 0.83 Final 14.05.10

    Bug Fixes:
    * Manual stop a scheduled recording will no longer be a dead lock.
    * Switching the host manager could eventually lead to dead-lock - fixed.
    * The annoying Shut-down recording of the manager (Dead - Lock) is now fixed.
    * Various changes to the plugin API have been made to avoid dead locks.
    Kaspersky * Fixed a problem that it was up to StreamMeNG: (a small CRLF has gefehlt.Funktioniert
    now with active Web filter.
    * On Windows 7 or Vista will not now with a longer operation in main window
    Message "application has stopped responding" message.
    * Reading the Kannallisten in Coolstream goes again (timeout problem)
    * OSCAM Monitor Plugin is adapted to the latest version of the OSCAM.
    * The Coolstream detection works now also for the original image, had no prior
    Box for testing.
    * In the inclusion list of the record appear Manager now no more zombies.
    * Minor bug fixes.

    New features:
    * The Coolstream now Supportet with (certainly go to one or another function not yet
    but I am relying on your instructions as I myself have no Coolstream).
    * If a programmed recording shows you StreamMeNG now the remaining recording time in the
    Status line.
    * Because there is so slow to lack of space in the status bar, I have the layout changed a bit.
    * Migrated to Visual Studio 2010 (latest developer platform)
    * Migrated to the latest Windows Installer XML

    Ftp Edit Non Completo

    diamond_dash autoclick
    FreeServer Converter
    Screenshot tools


    • #3

      AW: StreamMeNG for Coolstream HD

      Version 0.85 WM Edition 12.06.10

      Bug Fixes:
      * The inclusion of zombies in the periodic shots should be done now.
      * I have the installer a little überabrbeitet it is now the country-specific EULA
      displayed (THX Kala Maria) and is now consistent.
      * I have the mini-telly a little revised ..
      Fieser * Bug fixed in Steurung the Clock. This bug had a significant impact on the
      Aufnahmesteurung etc. ..
      * The client web interface was not quite Threadsafe
      * No more zombie thread at a receiver changes. The system load remains normal.
      * Bug Fixes Min ...

      New features:
      * In the recording manager you will now see the program icons where available. These
      You must StreamMeNG after the package "StreamMeNG_PIcon.msi install" (For your in the Database).
      If you miss one (and there are missing a few) and you have the appropriate PNG please
      PN with the PNG file myself.
      * The entry of photos is now also checked against periodic shots.
      * When you change shots in periodic recordings is now time to overlap
      * When shooting in Konfikten you will now see how and when it comes to duplication. EN/US GER


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