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NEW ! KYNG File Converter

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  • NEW ! KYNG File Converter

    Hi All

    I put at your disposal a small utility that converts in any direction, all file types of Atlas HD brands.

    Atlas HD100 <==> Atlas HD200 Bxxx boot Atlas HD200Se Dxxx boot

    Henceforth, there is no need for additional utilities.
    Owners of HD200Se to Dxxx boot will be able to use any file in any KYNG tool, and conversely, owners of HD100 and HD200 Bxxx boot will be able to use any file from a HD200Se Dxxx boot.

    Ex: Owners of HD200Se Dxxx boot - You save your file KCF, KBN, KCF or KNF. Then you want to use one of the KYNG tools (KACE, KBN Editor, NetFile Editor or Key Editor), use this small utility, convert your file to HD200 Bxxx boot format. Use the tool, make your changes etc ..., save the file and then re-use the File Converter utility to re-convert to H200 Dxxx boot format.

    Reverse operations can be performed.
    I hope to have been clear.

    PS: Only KACE v5.02.1 does the conversion for now. So in principle you would not need the converter for KCF files unless you simply want to use a KCF file made but from another version.


  • #2

    Re: NEW ! KYNG File Converter

    Upgrade: New Boot F
    The File Converter version v1.01 also contains the new boot F, still in HD200Se D boot



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