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KYNG HD100 Cleaner

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  • KYNG HD100 Cleaner

    KyngCleaner_A1_12.rar | Cleaner

    How to use the KYNG HD100 Cleaner tool if you encounter a problem with reboot (run - is) repetitive due to database corruption. Thanks to REDPILL and all our friends from the KYNG community.

    1. Start by injecting the Cleaner via a USB flash drive (as you do to update the HD100) and let the cleaner do the cleaning and the HD100 restart until it displays "OK".

    2. Download the latest version of the mainsoftware (currently A1.12-3) and then rename to kyng_usb.kuu. Thus renamed file is to inject the demo via USB (if the B1.02 bootloader is installed on your demo) otherwise you do so using a PC through the RS232 port.
    The USB key must be formatted in FAT with the kyng_usb.kuu file that is saved in the root and not in a directory.
    3. Disconnect the socket HD100 power.
    4. Turn the USB on the HD100.
    5. Connect the HD100 in the outlet power while holding the 'Menu' of the facade of the demo supported.

    You will then see the word 'USB' displayed on the faįade of the HD100 then scroll data E001 packets...CLR and finally End.

    and here is your HD 100 is ready to be used!

    Note: If you have this error message "Err", check that your usb is formatted in FAT, that you renamed the mainsoftware in 'kyng_usb.kuu' and that you registered it on the root of the usb and not a directory.

    A new tool has been made public by the Kyng Team: it is the KYNG HD100 Cleaner A1_12. KyngCleaner_A1_12.rar - Solidfiles

    This tool is accompanied by the following KYNG messages:

    Hello, as promised here is the cleaner to day and which takes into account all database changes made up to version A1.12. It released an update of this cleaner only when other changes in versions of the Main software databases. The cleaner is easy to use. On the flash as a normal version and leave until "ok" on the front of the HD-100. After that, just Flash a standard version using the RS232 cable or using the usb if the user has the boot A1.02 version.

    It is best not to use any old databases after cleaning the HD-100. except, KYNG Share data. Thank you."
    "The cleaner is used for those who no longer have access to the menu of their receptors. That is to say, the HD-100 remaining loop 'Run-On-Run-ON'.... For others, you can do the cleaning by a "return to the settings factory" from the menu, if you feel the need. However, you must include the following:

    You must protect you before using the "cleaner" version A1.02 boot using the RS232 cable the MultiLoader.
    After using the cleaner, you should pass that higher versions of the Mainsoft, IE A1.12 version and higher. Otherwise, go back to square one.
    Always avoid to return to earlier versions of the app, this is what causes database corruptions. Or the loss of power when the HD-100 is back in flash.
    To avoid reboot them nuisance of your HD-100, you must use the cleaner or return to the settings to factory. In this case, all your data will be lost. And it does nothing to your old databases. Only you can keep are those of your remote servers.
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