R. Kelly Discography [1992-2007]
1992 - R. Kelly - Born Into The 90`s
1993 - R. Kelly - 12 Play
1995 - R. Kelly - R. Kelly
1998 - R. Kelly - R
2000 - R. Kelly - TP-2.Com
2002 - R. Kelly and Jay Z - The Best of Both Worlds
2002 - R. Kelly In The Mix
2003 - R. Kelly - Chocolate Factory
2003 - R. Kelly - The R. In R&B Greatest Hits Collection
2004 - R. Kelly - Happy People - U Saved Me
2004 - R. Kelly & Jay-Z-Unfinished Business
2004 - R. Kelly-The Chocolate Factory[Chopped & Bolted By DJ Skrubastian]
2005 - R. Kelly - My Diary
2005 - R. Kelly - Remix City Volume 1
2005 - R. Kelly - The Hits And Unreleased Vol 1- Bootleg
2005 - R. Kelly - TP3 Reloaded
2005 - R. Kelly-Trapped In The Closet [Chapters 1-12]
2007 - R. Kelly - Double Up [CD+SkidVid+Cov}