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The latest oscam-emu

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  • The latest oscam-emu

    THE LATEST OSCAM-EMU FOR VARIOUS PLATFORMS (Current Version: r11390 - EMU-Patch r387-741)
    Special features:

    Pid-File control : without start-parameter "-B" and with "pidfile=[blank]" in oscam.conf --> no Pid-File

    WebIf - Readers-/Users-Menu --> Disabled-/Enabled-Symbol changed

    WebIf - Status-Menu --> Skript-/Shutdown-Button "properties" individually programmable via CSS-File
    (LI.menu_script ... and/or LI.menu_shutdown ...)

    WebIf - OSCamLogo with OSCamLabel (WebIf --> config --> webif --> OSCam Label)
    (Example: set it to Box-Name ...)

    Write channelcache and emmcache/emmstat:
    Enable/disable parameter over webif (not with usecache from parameter emmcache)
    - "Save channelcache" in Config/Dvbapi
    - "Write emmcache/emmstat to file" in Config/Logging
    Default for both: disabled

    All three files are written to config-dir
    If "emmlogdir" is defined, oscam.emmcache and oscam.emmstat are written to this defined dir.

    Provider-Picons on Status-Page:
    Important: For this feature you must activate the parameters "Poll (initial refresh)" and "Http show Picons".
    Also you must copy a picon (named IC_provider.tpl) to template-dir (parameter "Http tpl") or picons-dir (if defined - parameter "Path for picons")

    User specific loadbalancer parameters:

    User force always reopen:
    Webif -> Config -> Loadbalancer -> User force always reopen
    0 - disabled (default)
    1 - enabled

    or in oscam.user:

    lb_force_reopen_user = 0 or 1

    Only if count reached lb_min_ecmcount:
    Webif -> Config -> Loadbalancer -> only if count reached lb_min_ecmcount
    0 - disabled (default)
    1 - enabled

    or in oscam.user:

    lb_force_reopen_user_lb_min = 0 or 1

    General date format:

    Support tongfang version 3 NTIC2

    Support ORF ICE Card with Caid 0650
    (complete Austria-SAT with "Irdeto"-Mode)

    WebIf - Special WebIf-Design included

    Tandberg config:

    Keys in SoftCam.Key:

    T <entitlement> 01 <key>

    for example (entitlement = 1234):
    T 00001234 01 1122334455667788

    leading zeros maybe be skipped. same key as above:
    T 1234 01 1122334455667788

    AU keys:
    for old key set:
    T <key index (hex)> MK <key>

    64 keys are needed:

    T 40 MK 1122334455667788
    T 41 MK 1122334455667788
    T 7F MK 1122334455667788

    for new key set:
    T <key index (hex)> MK01 <key>

    64 keys are needed:

    T 40 MK01 1122334455667788
    T 41 MK01 1122334455667788
    T 7F MK01 1122334455667788

    Oscam Complete - Minimal:

    - "with all" but without ...
    - Touch
    - OpenSSL
    - IPV6
    - PCSC
    - Smartreader-Support (LibUSB)

    Now with GBox !!!
    With Coolstream and Coolstream HD2

    Additional for "solo4k", "arm_v7", "raspb_armv7", "arm_v8", "arm_dream", "arm_dream", "mipsel", "mipsoe20", "openpli40", "openwrt1209aa", "fritz71xx", "fritz72xx", "fritz73xx", "fritz74xx", "fritz73xxOS60", "fritz73xxOS62", "fritz74xxOS60", "fritz74xxOS62" and "fritz74xxOS65" a binary with "libusb".
    Additional for "arm_v7" and "raspb_armv7" a binary with "pcsc".
    Additional for "arm_v7", "arm", "raspb_armv7", "raspb_hard", "raspb_soft", "syn-atom", "openwrt24", "openwrt26", "x86_32" and "x86_64" a binary with "libusb" and "pcsc".
    Additional for "syn-atom", "raspb_hard", "raspb_soft", "mca", "mipsel" and "mipsoe20" a binary with "libcrypto static".
    Additional for "solo4k", "fritz71xx", "mipsoe20" and "openpli40" a binary with "libusb static".
    Additional for "arm_v8" a binary with "dvbapi" and "libusb".
    Additional for "raspb_armv7" a binary with "dvbapi", "libusb" and "pcsc".

    Explanation of sub-directories:

    build_dir_arm_cortex_a9 = Cortex A9 CPU (SU980)
    build_dir_azbox = Azbox HD Premium/-Plus/Elite
    build_dir_brcm63xx = Brcm63xx OpenWRT
    build_dir_brcm63xx_other = Brcm63xx OTHER
    build_dir_ddwrt346 = DDWRT gcc 3.4.6
    build_dir_ddwrt410 = DDWRT gcc 4.1.0 (WNR3500L)
    build_dir_fonera = Fonera Router
    build_dir_nslu2open = ARM NSLU2 OpenWRT
    build_dir_openwrt26 = OpenWRT 2.6
    build_dir_openwrt24 = OpenWRT 2.4 (Fritz 32XX,71XX,72XX)
    build_dir_openwrt1209aa = OpenWRT 12.09 Attitude Adjustment (ulibc)

    build_dir_dreambox_fpu = DMM 500HD/800SE/7020HD/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0 FPU)
    build_dir_mipsel = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/7020HD/7025(+)/8000/VU+ (OE 1.6)
    build_dir_mipsoe20 = DMM 500HD/800(SE)/820/7020HD/7025(+)/7080/8000/VU+ (OE 2.0)
    build_dir_mipswdtv = Mipsel Tuxbox WDTV
    build_dir_openpli40 = OpenPLI 4.0 All Mipsel (OE 2.2 and higher, Black Hole 3.0 and higher)
    build_dir_powerpc = DMM 600/7000/7020si (PPC Tuxbox)
    build_dir_ppcold = DBox2/DMM 500/56x0
    build_dir_ppc_dream_old = Older Dreams with Gemini

    build_dir_arm_v7 = ARM v7 DS114/DS115j/DS213j/DS214 and many more
    build_dir_dockstar = DOCKSTAR (arm)
    build_dir_fritz33xx = Fritzbox 33XX
    build_dir_fritz71xx = Fritzbox 71XX
    build_dir_fritz72xx = Fritzbox 72XX
    build_dir_marv_6281 = Synology Marvell 88F628x
    build_dir_marv_7823 = Synology Marvell Armada XP MV7823x
    build_dir_mca = Matrix Cam Air
    build_dir_ppc_eglibc = PowerPC Q or IQ (Synology NAS DS213+/DS413)

    build_dir_cool1 = Coolstream
    build_dir_cool2 = Coolstream HD2

    build_dir_fritz73xx = Fritzbox 73XX
    build_dir_fritz74xx = Fritzbox 74XX
    build_dir_fritz73xxOS60 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.0
    build_dir_fritz74xxOS60 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.0
    build_dir_fritz73xxOS62 = Fritzbox 73XX OS6.2
    build_dir_fritz74xxOS62 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.2
    build_dir_fritz74xxOS65 = Fritzbox 74XX OS6.5
    build_dir_sheevaplug = Sheevaplug

    build_dir_raspb_armv7 = Raspberry Pi 2, Banana Pi M2, WeTekPlay
    build_dir_raspb_hard = Raspberry Pi HardFPU
    build_dir_raspb_soft = Raspberry Pi SoftFPU
    build_dir_samsungtv = SamsungTV Serie E/F (ES7xxx/8xxx)
    build_dir_solo4k = Vu+ Solo 4k
    build_dir_syn_atom = Synology with Atom CPU
    build_dir_tplink = TP-Link 1043ND
    build_dir_tplink_backfire = TP-Link Backfire (openwrt/ar71xx)

    build_dir_arm_v8 = ARM v8 OrdoidC2 (aarch64 LibreELEC)
    build_dir_arm_dream = ARM Dreambox (DMM 900UHD, Mutant HD51/AX HD51)
    build_dir_sh_4 = Octagon, Ipbox, Kathrein, Fortis, Spark-Box (additional with stapi, stapi5_UFS916_0.03, stapi5_UFS916_0.05 and stapi5_OPENBOX_0.05)
    build_dir_sh4 = UFS-9XX, Kathrein & Octagon (segfaults on some systems) (additional with stapi, stapi5_UFS916_0.03, stapi5_UFS916_0.05 and stapi5_OPENBOX_0.05)
    build_dir_x86_32 = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel
    build_dir_x86_32_static = Linux PC's 32 Bit, Igel (static versions - libcrypto, libusb and pcsc static)
    build_dir_x86_64 = Linux PC's 64 Bit (additional with dvbapi and libcrypto static for ZOTAC ZBOX ID91 OpenELEC)
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