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Happy Birthday pippopeppe, hiroshian, colmetto,...

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  • Happy Birthday pippopeppe, hiroshian, colmetto,...

    14 members are celebrating their birthday on 15-03-17:

    -pippopeppe (born in 1950, Age: 67)
    -hiroshian (born in 1960, Age: 57)
    -colmetto (born in 1960, Age: 57)
    -bigmaury (born in 1962, Age: 55)
    -ROBY (born in 1963, Age: 54)
    -ercocco (born in 1974, Age: 43)
    -felipes (born in 1975, Age: 42)
    -werset (born in 1980, Age: 37)
    -jalmina (born in 1980, Age: 37)
    -Manolli (born in 1980, Age: 37)
    -titanium555 (born in 1980, Age: 37)
    -samplef (born in 1983, Age: 34)
    -trepa (born in 1987, Age: 30)
    -erica (born in 1991, Age: 26)

    Happy Birthday!
  • #2

    Re: Happy Birthday pippopeppe, hiroshian, colmetto,...


    • #3

      Re : Happy Birthday pippopeppe, hiroshian, colmetto,..

      I would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday.

      14 members are celebrating their birthday on 15-03-17:

      -pippopeppe (born in 1950, Age: 67)
      -hiroshian (born in 1960, Age: 57)
      -colmetto (born in 1960, Age: 57)
      -bigmaury (born in 1962, Age: 55)
      -ROBY (born in 1963, Age: 54)
      -ercocco (born in 1974, Age: 43)
      -felipes (born in 1975, Age: 42)
      -werset (born in 1980, Age: 37)
      -jalmina (born in 1980, Age: 37)
      -Manolli (born in 1980, Age: 37)
      -titanium555 (born in 1980, Age: 37)
      -samplef (born in 1983, Age: 34)
      -trepa (born in 1987, Age: 30)
      -erica (born in 1991, Age: 26)

      il colore della pelle non cambia nulla. Ciò che è buono e giusto per uno,
      è buono e giusto per l'altro, e Dio fatto tutti fratelli uomini


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