RED - High-risk nuclear power plane, boiling water reactor 69 or GE Mark I (Fukushima-type)
ORANGE- High-risk nuclear power plane, no containment
YELLOW- High-risk nuclear power plane, older than 30 years
BROWN- High-risk nuclear power plane, seismic area
GREY- Nuclear power plane operating
BLACK- Nuclear power plane shut down
GLOBAL 2000 is fighting for an Europe-wide nuclear phase-out. At the moment the situation varies widely across Europe. There are countries which have never started a nuclear energy programme (e.g. Poland), countries which exit from nuclear energy (e.g. Italy), countries which plan to exit (e.g. Germanay) and countries which massivly rely on nuclear energy (e.g. France).
However, all european countries are contributing to the costs of nuclear energy and research, as the so called EURATOM- agreement oblige them to do so.
GLOBAL 2000 provides detailed information on every single country inside as well as outside the EU: