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Latest Version of TS-Doctor

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  • Latest Version of TS-Doctor

    Latest Version of TS-Doctor
    TSDoctor ver. 1.0.43

    - Fixed problems with incorrect identification of the resolution with H264 camcorder recordings, using a scaling matrix
    - Automatic download and installation of the new tool on tsMuxeR Setup Plugins
    - Taken out question after 192 bytes M2TS mode as redundant
    - M2TS or TS-mode will now appear under Stream-Details
    - Dialogue taken out because of an invalid start byte, as superfluous. Start offset is now displayed in garbage scan.

    Ftp Edit Non Completo

    diamond_dash autoclick
    FreeServer Converter
    Screenshot tools
  • #2

    AW: Latest Version of TS-Docto

    TS-Doctor 1.0.44

    1.0.44 - Support for streams with only a single PID (radio streams)
    - Support for Mpeg1/Layer2 audio streams, as used by Antenne Bayern
    - Fixed problems with incorrect identification of the resolution with H264 camcorder recordings, using a scaling matrix
    - Taken out question after 192 bytes M2TS mode as redundant
    - TS or M2TS mode will now appear under Stream Details
    - Dialogue taken out because of an invalid start byte, as superfluous. Start offset is now displayed in garbage scan.
    - Reworked error window again. Now the timing coincide with the date of the error in the error list
    - Error in the error time is now highlighting Preview
    - Error preview shows only the major four seconds with the error
    - Bug removed that led to errors in the PES headers were not displayed
    - Correct position of errors in the error window now
    - Improved update feature with automatic download and start the update
    - Control bits are in the PES header is now ignored in the analysis, so that streams from outside of the DVB standards can be processed (HD ARTE France)
    - Warning: "Starting correction of TS packet ContinuityCounter" removed as unnecessary at this point and confusing
    - Reserved PIDs (1-31) are now identified and investigated no longer on PMT and PES information
    - Buttons on the main screen revised to make clear the function
    - Audio confirmation on completion of a conversion in the TS format converter
    - Force option to delete AC3-type consistency (eg AC3 2.0 units during the stage commercial breaks of a movie with AC3 5.1)
    - In the timeline the playback position (cursor) is integrated into the graphical timeline
    - Support for Cypher Link H264 decoder (PDVD8 OEM)
    - Improved Maximize / Restore the Timeline window (it appears in part an incomplete window)
    - Timer is locking in the Timeline now deactivated in the settings
    - Preview revised Stream errors
    - View the latest Haali Media Splitter (27/03/2010)
    - During low of cutting will save the current cut list again
    - If the same file is opened again, the stored cut list automatically loaded
    - On average, inserted new window button to delete the entire cut list
    - On average, added window About the Buttons
    - In the cut list can be jumped through the right mouse button to the beginning or the end-point of the crop area
    - Note on improving the cut button
    - "Open last file again" - function implements the main menu
    - Notes are now displayed longer (up to 8 seconds)
    - In the TS format converter distinction between directory and file selection
    - Automatic download and installation of the new tool on tsMuxeR Setup Plugins
    - The TS-Doctor now supports the SmartLabs tsMuxeR
    - Transport Stream Conversion (over tsMuxeR) to m2ts
    - Transport Stream Conversion (over tsMuxeR) to AVCHD
    - Transport Stream Conversion (over tsMuxeR) to Bluray
    - "Audio Only Mode" for radio streams
    - Increased offset for PCR-Wrap, because it could occur sporadically, that the first PCRs were not adjusted correctly
    - Diagram to show the video bandwidth
    - Fixed sporadic problems date despite license file
    - Export to the new TS ALI Digital format (INFO3.DVR)
    - Export in the old TS ALI digital format (INFO.DVR)
    - No "PTS time basis" error more at ARD and ZDF HD HD if option is "No Teletext" is activated
    - Increased number of packages to be checked for "PTS time basis," Scan-
    - Updated Visual Components
    - Improved compatibility with Windows 7 Aero
    - Incorrect identification of an MPEG audio streams as fixed AC3 in Transport Stream Converter


    • #3

      AW: Latest Version of TS-Docto

      TSDoctor ver. 1.0.45 16-05-10

      Files in the Temp directory will be deleted until after inquiry
      - This version no longer appears as a beta version


      • #4

        Re: AW: Latest Version of TS-Docto

        TSDoctor ver. 1.0.47

        1.0.47 - Mpeg1 audio stream type of euro sport is now recognized correctly for streams without PMT (Technisat TS4)
        - TS-Format-Converter improved and additional dialogs and warnings implemented for errors and problems found in the stream
        - Haali Muxer interface (MKV,MP4) improved, progress bar should now work properly and not remain at the end of several minutes, at 100%
        - MKV and MP4 should have the language of the audio streams included if specified in the stream
        - MKV stream titel now incorporate the stream type (AC3,DTS,etc.)
        - The audio stream that is selected in the format converter, will be marked in MKVs now as the default audio stream
        - Newest version of the HaaliSplitter (05/20/2010)


        • #5

          AW: Latest Version of TS-Docto

          TSDoctor ver. 1.0.48 31.05.2010

          - In the TS-Format-Converter for mp4 files are all audio streams disabled except the selected one as mp4 supports only one audio stream
          - Folder stucture for AVCHD adapted to the standards
          - Fix: The last audio stream was ignored in TS-Format-Converter for M2TS, Bluray und AVCHD - Export
          - Log for TsMuxeR connection extended
          - File splitting for AVCHD export set to 4GB
          - Error with timer readjustment in file merger fixed (especially for camcorder recordings)
          - File extension for destination file in file merger set to .ts as default


          • #6

            Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

            TS-Doctor 1.0.61

            Ftp Edit Non Completo

            diamond_dash autoclick
            FreeServer Converter
            Screenshot tools


            • #7

              Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

              TSDoctor ver. 1.0.66 Beta_Eng
              Ftp Edit Non Completo

              diamond_dash autoclick
              FreeServer Converter
              Screenshot tools


              • #8

                Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                TS-Doctor v.1.0.69


                1.0.69 - Presets of various dialogs for batch operation
                - Opening of any multi file recordings (splitted files)
                - Canceling of the filemerger dialog led sometimes to an error message 
                - Licensed versions should run under VM 
                - Made compatible to Wine 1.3 (only licensed versions)
                - Batch processing available(Checkbox in save dialog)
                - More than 500 warnings about "Packet Discontinuity" is no longer written to the log (otherwise needs for totally broken recordings several hours )
                1.0.69 - Verschiedene Dialoge voreinstellbar gemacht für den Batch-Betrieb
                - Öffnen von beliebigen Multifile-Aufnahmen (gesplittete Dateien)
                - Das Abbrechen des FileMerger-Dialogs führte teilweise zu einer Fehlermeldung
                - Lizenzierte Versionen können auch unter VM laufen
                - Wine 1.3 kompatibel gemacht(nur Lizenzierte Versionen)
                - Batch-Verarbeitung möglich (Checkbox im Speichern-Dialog)
                - Ab 500 Warnings wird die Info über "Packet Discontinuity" nicht mehr ins Log geschrieben (sonst brauchen total kaputte Aufnahmen mehrere Stunden)
                Ftp Edit Non Completo

                diamond_dash autoclick
                FreeServer Converter
                Screenshot tools


                • #9

                  Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                  Version 1.0.77

                  1.0.77 - Fix für falsche Streamdauer bei Kathrein UFS 821, UFS 822 und UFC 861
                  - Lautstärkeeinstellung in der Vorschau wird nun gespeichert
                  - Doppelklick auf ein Bild in der Schnittliste lässt die Vorschau an die entsprechende Position springen

                  1.0.77 - Fix for wrong stream duration for Kathrein UFS 821, UFS 822 and UFC 861
                  - Volume setting preview will now be saved
                  - Double click on an image in the cutting list the preview will jump to the appropriate position
                  Ftp Edit Non Completo

                  diamond_dash autoclick
                  FreeServer Converter
                  Screenshot tools


                  • #10

                    Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                    Version 1.0.78

                    1.0.78 - Speicherverbrauch optimiert, TS-Doctor verbraucht jetzt beim Start weniger als die Hälfe an Arbeitsspeicher
                    - Demuxer mit Fix für defekte AC3 und EAC3-Pakete
                    - Dateiname in der Statusleiste wird nun abgekürzt angezeigt und wenn möglich mit Pfad
                    - Dateiname in der Statusleiste des Paket-Editors wird auch abgekürzt angezeigt und wenn möglich mit Pfad
                    - Dateiname im TS-Format-Converter wird abgekürzt angezeigt, Hint mit vollständigem Pfad
                    - Dialog-Einstellung für "Korrigiere PCR Problem am Ende des Streams?"
                    - Dialog-Einstellung für "Korrigiere Video_full_range_flag?"

                    1.0.78 - Memory usage optimized, TS doctor consumed now less than half of memory when starts
                    - Demux with fix broken AC3 and EAC3 packages
                    - Filename in the status bar is displayed now abbreviated and possible with path
                    - Filename in the status bar of the package Editor appears also abbreviated and possible with path
                    - File name in the TS format converter appears abbreviated, hint with the full path
                    - Dialogue setting for "Correct PCR problem at the end of the stream?"
                    - Dialogue setting for "Correct Video_full_range_flag?"
                    Ftp Edit Non Completo

                    diamond_dash autoclick
                    FreeServer Converter
                    Screenshot tools


                    • #11

                      AW: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                      TS-Doctor BETA Version 1.1.1

                      1.1.1 - Compiler update
                      - Unicode for better language support
                      - GUI design changed
                      - Better support for Windows 7
                      - Support of ISO639 language descriptors for audio and text streams
                      - Enhanced video bitrate chart
                      - Enhanced result dialog after repair/cut
                      - Progress bar integrated into main form
                      - Display of stream details after analysis
                      - Source and destination folders for FileMerger will now be stored
                      - Easier batch processing
                      - Haali Video Renderer no longer supportet because of big problems with Windows 7
                      - New Haali Media Splitter from 03/03/2011
                      - During program start ffdshow filters will be checked for being active
                      - If Mpeg splitter setting on default and TS-Doctor Filesource active, Haali Muxer is forced, if available
                      - History for last opened files
                      - History for last created files


                      • #12

                        Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                        TS-Doctor 1.1.2


                        1.1.2 - Delete button for batch list
                        - Warnings and hint for crypted (scrambled) PES packets
                        - Better message for PMT problems
                        - DirectX log working again
                        - Multifile recordings are correctly listed now under "last opened"


                        • #13

                          Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                          TS-Doctor 1.1.3

                          Video bit rate will be displayed with average value now

                          Video bit rate calculation speedup

                          Use in multi user environment should be possible now

                          Extended protection against modification of the installation files

                          If analysis is stopped by invalid streams, the cursor now set to default again and the progress bar is hidden

                          Fixed bug in the Setup partially prevented the installation of updates


                          • #14

                            Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                            TS-Doctor 1.1.4

                            1.1.4  - Potentially incorrect detection of TSMuxers
                                   - Integer error message in the TS format converter when selection m2ts, AVCHD, or Bluray export format
                                   - GUI for text stream settings updated
                                   - Individual batch entries can be deleted


                            • #15

                              Re: Latest Version of TS-Docto

                              TS-Doctor 1.1.5

                              1.1.5 - Fixed incorrect disk space warning on network drives (UNC)
                              - Digital signature for application and setup as protection against virus infections and changes of the programm code
                              - Now a new file is created when converting to the m2ts, AVCHD, or Bluray format


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