Il team IHAD sta continuando lo sviluppo dell'ottimo programma DreamboxEdit, uno dei migliori editor di settings in circolazione.
Assolutamente da provare!
Disponibile anche la versione per utenti MAC, porting realizzato da Bobsilvio.
Ultimi aggiornamenti:
- added configurable background color for transparent picons
- added transliteration support for cyrillic letters (only russian)
- added transliteration support for greek letters
- added option to enable/disable transliteration
- fixed some problems with very long servicenames
- added new hints in main list, now with bouquet references
- fixed application closing after canceling
- fixed error message after dropping service on current bouquet
- fixed main service list refresh after selection of another bouquet
- changed QuickFTP buttons to avoid further confusions
- fixed hiding QuickFTP buttons if disabled in options
- some minor fixes
- fixed streaming for WebInterface 1.7.0 and higher
- fixed compatibility problems when running dreamboxEDIT under wine
Note: skinning support is automatically disabled, Wine 1.3.34 or higher is mandatory
- some language file updates
- added completly new GUI with skinning support
- added transparency to crypto icon in main service list
- added transparency to dummy picon in bouquet panel
- added configurable color marker for selected services
- added proper handling of renamed alternatives
- added warning message if multibouquet is disabled on your dreambox
- added signal strength indicator
- fixed renumbering channel numbers after using "sort alphabetically" from context menu
- fixed when sorting by frequency now also sorting by polarisation is applied
- fixed problem with missing objects (service counter, profile selection)
- fixed cut&paste services with alternatives
- fixed saving of current profile when options panel is closed
- integrated language tool (Help -> Language Tool)
- removed LanguageTool.exe from installation package
- removed outdated help files
- language files updated
- some minor fixes
The the following features are only supported on genuine Dreamboxes with Enigma2-Images based on Release 3.2 or higher
- full support for filtering of encrpyted services is now enabled
- full support for streaming services in userbouquets
- added video streaming support
Note: VLC 1.1.11 or higher is required, the installation directory is detected automatically, if you are using
a portable version set the VLC installation directory in the options panel.
- added support for taking snapshots of currently played stream
- fixed problem with profile selection in options panel
- fixed missing parameters for cable settings after Enigma1->Enimga2 conversion
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