25 Mar 2016 (git opendreambox)
enigma2-plugins: increment the PE to get rid of messages like "Package version for package enigma2-skin-simple went backwards"
enigma2-skins: increment the PE to get rid of messages like "Package version for package enigma2-skin-simple went backwards", changed SCHWERKRAFT_BRANCH="4.0" to GITHUB_BRANCH="4.0"
enigma2-skins: use opendreambox-github instead of schwerkraft-git
enigma2-plugins: use opendreambox-github instead of schwerkraft-git
opendreambox-github: add template class for github projects
27 Mar 2016 (TSimage)
update enigma2-tspanel to 2.6-r11 (fix TSyWeather forecast + fix RSS reader)
update enigma2-skin-ts-MetrixHD to 2.1-r15
update enigma2-skin-ts-mx-hq2 to 1.0-r5