12/04/2015: * New Enigma2 Compiled 12/04/2015:
* servicemp3: Implement iServiceInformation getEvent for EPG
Servicemp3 didnt shown EPG due to lack of getEvent, altough valid sid,onid,tsid was set.
Also epgcache only allowed idDVB to query for EPG cache. idServiceMP3 (4097) added in eServiceReference
* servicemp3: Implement eStaticServiceMP3Info::getEvent
Without eStaticServiceMP3Info::getEvent we are not getting epg events in channel list
* Add option to keep focus on current service when entering channellist
* ADD PiconManager Plugin
* ADD Packages curl and udpxy support for iptv Plugins
BlackHole2.1.5 DM800HD CLICK LINK