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Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's & enigma2

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  • Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's & enigma2

    This was written for a tm9100 but is relevant for all linux stb,s & pc's.
    Thanks to sonoftechno for the info.

    There are a few different ways to start a Telnet session, here are two of the more common ones.
    Click START > RUN and type Telnet ip.address.of.TM9100 - A command window will appear, enter username root and current password (remember could be blank on some tm9100 images)
    Download Puttytel.exe ( Bottom of page)
    1. start putty
    2. input the ip of the box
    3. login: root and current password (remember could be blank on some tm9100 images)

    Basic Navigation

    When typed by itself, cd (”change directory”), will take you back to your $HOME directory
    cd /path/to/directory
    To change to a specific directory, type cd followed by the path to the directory. If it is a subdirectory of the current directory, you can just type the directory name.
    cd ..
    Typing cd .. moves you up one directory from your current location.
    To see which directory you are in, type pwd (”print (display) working directory”).
    Just as it sounds, use exit to log out. Alternatively, you can type logout.
    Creating and Deleting Directories

    mkdir directoryname
    To create a new directory, type mkdir (”make directory”) and specify the new directory’s name.
    rmdir directoryname
    To delete an empty directory, type rmdir (”remove directory”) and the directory’s name.

    Listing Files

    To display a list of files and subdirectories in your current directory, type ls (”list”)
    ls -a
    To see a more complete list which includes hidden files or files that begin with a “.” (dot), type ls -a.
    ls -la
    To list all files and directories in long format which will provide details about each file and directory, type ls -la.
    ls -lS
    To list all directories and files, sorted by size, in long format, type ls -lS.
    ls -lta
    To list all files and directories in long format by time modified, type ls -lta.

    Copying Files

    cp oldfilename newfilename
    Will copy the contents of one file to another file, resulting in two copies of the same file on your account.
    cp directory/* destinationdirectory
    Will copy the contents of one directory to another directory. Make sure you have created the destination directory before trying to copy files to it - see mkdir above. Results in two copies of the files on your account; one copy in the existing directory and another in the destination directory.

    Searching FIles and Directories

    find -name ‘n*’
    The find command can be used to locate files or a group of files. It can also be used to display directories. The example given will find all file and directory names within the current directory and subdirectories of it that begin with the letter n. (You can also explore using the locate command - type info locate and/or man locate for usage information.)
    grep -inw text filename
    Can be used to locate text in a specific file or directory of files (use * in place of filename to search all of the files in the current directory). The -i argument indicates the search is to disregard cASe, the -n instructs to show the corresponding line number, and -w tells it to match only based on the whole word. (This doesn’t even begin to touch on the power of grep and its many uses. In addition to its searching capability, the grep command can be used in combination with other commands to act as a filter. It also allows the use of “wildcards”. Two other variations of grep are also available, egrep and fgrep. To begin your quest for more information, type man grep and/or info grep.)

    Displaying / Comparing File Content

    wc filename
    Counts and displays the number of lines, number of words, and number of characters of the given file.
    cat filename
    Displays the entire contents of a file.
    nl filename
    Shows the content of the file, including line numbers (nl=number lines).
    more filename
    Displays the contents of a file one screen at a time. Press the SPACEBAR to display the next screen of text.
    cmp filename1 filename2
    Compares the contents of the two named files and reports the first different character found and the line number.
    diff filename1 filename2
    Compares the contents of the two named files and reports all of the differences found. (Can also be used for comparing the contents of two directories.)
    Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files

    mv oldfilename newfilename
    Can be used to rename a file (mv fileA fileB), move a file (mv fileA /dirA/), or both (mv fileA /dirB/fileB).
    rm -i filename
    Removes (deletes) the specified file. (The -i is not necessary, but is recommended as it will prompt you to confirm the action first. When prompted, type y to confirm or type n if you changed your mind.)

    Changing Permissions

    chmod permissions filename
    Changes the permissions on a filename or directory as specified. For example, chmod 755

    Archives and Compression

    tar -cfv filename.tar directoryname
    To archive a directory and all of its contents including subdirectories, navigate to where the directory is located and type the above command, replacing filename.tar with the name you wish to give the archive file and directoryname with the name of the directory you wish to archive. Alternatively, you can archive a select group of individual files (or directories) by specifying each file name in place of directoryname separated by spaces, like tar -cvf filename.tar fileA fileB fileC. Note: When creating a tar file (aka “tarball”) be sure to specify the name you wish to give the tar file! (TAR indicates Tape ARchive, as it was originally a tape archiving program. The -c means “create”, v means “verbose” (which basically says tell me what you’re doing), and the f indicates that a filename will follow (filename.tar)).
    tar -tvf filename.tar
    Typing this command will result in a list of the contents of the tar file. This is generally a good thing to do before unpacking the tar file to be sure there are no matching filenames which will result in files being unintentionally overwritten.
    tar -xvf filename.tar
    You can see the similarities to the command used to tar the file. This time, though, you use -x to “extract” instead of the -c used to create. You can also extract only certain select files (or directories) by specifying the individual names, separated by spaces, after the tar filename, such as tar -xvf filename.tar fileA fileC
    gzip filename.tar
    This utility, gzip (gnu zip), is used for compression. Normally, when you wish to compress a set of files, you willtar them first then compress them using this command. In doing so, the filename will automatically change from filename.tar to filename.tar.gz (appending .gz to the file extension).
    gunzip filename.tar.gz
    This command (g”unzip”) is used to uncompress a .tar.gz file, which will also result in the filename being changed back to filename.tar. Once it has been uncompressed, you can then untar it using the tar command above. (Alternatively, you can use gzip -d (for “decompress”) in place of gunzip.)
    tar -czvf filename.tgz directoryname
    This command, which uses a z switch (”zip”), allows you to take a bit of a shortcut instead of using the tar and gzip commands separately. The example will result in a compressed archive named filename.tgz.
    tar -xzvf filename.tgz
    This command is used to uncompress and extract the files from a .tgz archive.
    Mio Spazio Personale

    Mio Hobby

    - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
    - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
    Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
    - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
    - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
    OpenATV 6.0
    - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
    - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
    - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
    EGAMI 8.0
    - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0

    - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
    - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
    - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
    - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
    - NanoStation M2
    - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

    Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
    Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
    Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
    Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


    Consiglio ;
    Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
    Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
    Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!
  • #2

    Re: Common Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's

    Linux Commands – Top 20 Most Used

    Files and Directories Management

    ls – Lists files and directories content, I usually use “ls -la” to have a long listing with all the details and hidden files
    cd – move from the current directory to a different folder
    pwd – lists your current location
    mv – this command can either change the name of a file, or move it to a different location.
    locate – find any file on the Linux server, to get an updated index of files (if for example you just installed a whole bunch of RPM’s) run the command updatedb
    ln – create a shortcut to a file or folder
    tar – create or extract files out of a storage file. with the correct arguments it will also compress the files

    Editing and Viewing

    tail – lists the last 10 lines of a file, but you tell tell it to show any number of last lines
    vi – the best command line editing software :) a little hard to learn how to work this one at first, buts its worth the effort
    cat – list the content of the file. better know how long is the file you are running this command on, or you will get a very long scrolling of lines that will fill up your screen


    nslookup – very important networking tool – this will show you where a DNS name is pointing – to which IP or to another DNS
    wget – get a file from the web from the command line – if you need to download some RPM directly to the command line without a browser, this is the command you need
    ping – I think its one of the most used commands, you can check the time it takes you to get via the network to a remote server, whether that server is available, how many packets are getting to the server, etc


    history – lists the last used commands on your Linux server
    make – when compiling a software from source, this command will create the binaries
    id – who am I right now? besides the philosophical angle, this command will show you as which user you will be running commands, I use this to check what is my status, and then sudo to the user I need
    sudo – execute a command as another user – although usually use it to change to root
    ps – list the running processes on the server, it give more info like the process id, the parent process id, running time and much more
    man – displays a manual page, whenever you are not sure about a specific command or config file, you should run “man command” to get info about it. to search the man database use “whatis command” to find which man file has the info you need
    df – report file system disk space usage, use “df -h” to get a human formatted listing
    Mio Spazio Personale

    Mio Hobby

    - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
    - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
    Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
    - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
    - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
    OpenATV 6.0
    - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
    - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
    - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
    EGAMI 8.0
    - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0

    - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
    - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
    - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
    - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
    - NanoStation M2
    - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

    Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
    Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
    Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
    Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


    Consiglio ;
    Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
    Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
    Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


    • #3

      Re: Common Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's

      List of Telnet commands for Enigma 2 Box's
      Please post below and we will build a master list on this thread...

      This list is for E2 Specific telnet commands
      For Common Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's & stb's, see this very complete list by Ten Below
      Forum Gateway - Powered by DnP Firewall

      Installing a tar.gz file to the box
      FTP the tar.gz file to folder /tmp
      Execute the command below replacing filename with the actual filename
      tar -xzvf /tmp/[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]filename[/B][/COLOR].tar.gz -C /
      above command will install filename.tar.gz from /tmp

      Installing IPK file to the box

      FTP the .ipk file to /tmp
      Execute the command below replacing filename with the actual filename
      ipkg install /tmp/[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]filename[/B][/COLOR].ipk
      above command will install specific filename.ipk file from /tmp

      ipkg install /tmp/*.ipk
      above command will install all and any .ipk files in /tmp

      Listing & Uninstalling IPK files on the box
      NOTE: Always perform a full image backup before uninstalling IPK through telnet

      List ipkg
      ipkg list
      Remove packages (Replace package with package name)
      ipkg remove [COLOR="#FF0000"][B]package[/B][/COLOR]

      Update ViX image from telnet
      I am not sure if this works for all e2 Images, maybe somebody can confirm.
      init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 6

      Update Box Image & plugins
      Using Open PacKaGe Management
      Update Image
      opkg update
      Update Plugins
      opkg upgrade

      Screen Grabs/Dumps
      Execute the command below replacing filename with the filename you want for the screenshot
      Grabs OSD only.
      grab -o -p /tmp/[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]filename[/B][/COLOR].png
      Grabs OSD with channel.
      grab -d -p /tmp/[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]filename[/B][/COLOR].png

      Restart box from telnet
      If box Freez's, Restart box from telnet with this command
      killall -9 enigma2

      Force overwrite fonts from telnet
      If you find that there is always 1 package available for update use this command to force overwrite fonts. This is usually the culprit.
      opkg -force-overwrite install enigma2-fonts

      Change powerstate of a Enigma2.
      Note: Change password to your root password!

      wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]password[/B][/COLOR]...tate?newstate=0
      Deep Standby:
      wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]password[/B][/COLOR]...tate?newstate=1
      wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]password[/B][/COLOR]...tate?newstate=2
      Restart Enigma2:
      wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]password[/B][/COLOR]...tate?newstate=3
      Wakeup from Standby:
      wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]password[/B][/COLOR]...rol?command=116

      Reload Enigma2 settings. (copy link instead of only shorten text)
      Note: Change the X telnet command to:
      0 - reloading lamedb and Userbouquets
      1 - reloading lamedb only
      2 - reloading Userbouquets only
      wget -qO -[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]X[/B][/COLOR]
      Mio Spazio Personale

      Mio Hobby

      - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
      - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
      Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
      - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
      - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
      OpenATV 6.0
      - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
      - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
      - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
      EGAMI 8.0
      - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0

      - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
      - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
      - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
      - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
      - NanoStation M2
      - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

      Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
      Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
      Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
      Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


      Consiglio ;
      Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
      Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
      Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


      • #4

        Re: Common Unix/Linux Commands used via Telnet for pc's

        slight correction to the above.

        Update Box Image & plugins

        Using Open PacKaGe Management
        Update Image
        opkg update updates the image feeds located in /etc/opkg/ ( off the top of my head may be a slightly different path ) if you run this command it will not update any thing on the image but allow the image to know updates are there.

        Update Plugins

        opkg upgrade is the command that updates the image and or plugins as identified by the above opkg update command. when using these commands i recommend you first place enigma into a sleeping state so that any changes that are made have less risk of becoming corrupted as they may when being updated while there in a live / running state.

        Here are some other commands that i use regularly with ViX although most if not all are universal to all images, along with a brief description of what the commands do as i understand them ( so some may be wrong or not 100 percent accurate ) but all these commands work as i use them my self.

        init codes.

        init 1 closes all running files.
        init 3 wake enigma from a sleeping state / GUI restart.
        init 4 Kill enigma / places enigma into sleep mode allowing you to edit or modify files that otherwise would corrupt or become damages if edited while live.
        init 6 Full reboot.

        you can also use the following commands.

        shutdown -r now = basically the same as the above init 6 command
        shutdown -h now = Full shutdown.

        lsusb = lists all attached USB devices

        df -h = checks memory and storage stats.

        nmap -sp = allows you to map your local network ( change the address as needed to map your own network )

        cat /proc/meminfo = memory info

        opkg update && opkg list-upgradable = allows you to check what is available to update on the image.

        opkg download = allows you to download plugins directly from the images own feeds in a installable .ipk format to the /home/root/ directory of your receiver for safe keeping etc. a couple of examples as follows.

        opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
        opkg download enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker

        opkg install = allows you to install plugins directly from the image feeds., a few examples below.

        opkg install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker
        opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite
        opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand
        Mio Spazio Personale

        Mio Hobby

        - Debian Linux 8 Server (Dedicated Server 8GB -I5)
        - Debian Linux 8 Server On Alix 3d3
        Debian Linux 8 VPS -Virtual Privare Server 30GB-I7
        - DM 7025(da molti anni) 100% ORIGINALE - OoZooN
        - DM 800SE 3 Tuner WIFI A8P -
        OpenATV 6.0
        - DM 800SE ORIGINAL (Prima Versione) OpenATV 6.0
        - Miraclebox Mini PLUS+ EGAMI 8.0 SUPER!!!
        - Cloud Ibox 3 V2
        EGAMI 8.0
        - ZGemma Star H2H & H5 - EGAMI 8.0
        - VU SOLO CLONE - BLACKHOLE 2.1.4

        - Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F
        - TP-LINK ARCHER D2
        - Vodafone Station HG553 (DVA-G3672B)
        - Firewall - Cisco linksys RVS 4000
        - Router - Linksys WAP54 ( DD-WRT)
        - NanoStation M2
        - link 1Gbit x 1Gbit - 750Mbs x 250Mbs - 100Mbs x 100Mbs

        Cam; CCcam , Oscam , Unicam , Scam ; ecc.
        Image; Nemesis 2.6 , OpenATV 6.0,EGAMI OE-A 4.0 ;
        Readers; Omnikey , Smargo , Smartmouse+Phoenix , Cas 3;
        Stronzate; 1 Cartone Pieno-Pieno !!!


        Consiglio ;
        Non essere stupido pagare ******** !
        Enigma 2 è Gratis!! è lavoro ti Tante Persone e Tanti Team e Tanti Anni !
        Usa OpenATV 5 & EGAMI 7.2 è Super OK = Molto + Stable di Tutte !!!!


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