Thanks Gemini Team
PHP Code:
The advantages from the new Gemini plugin are clear:
* You get a plugin, that you can install in every image, which you can update every time you want.
* You can decide on your own, how comprehensive your Gemini plugin is (every Gemini app can be installed seperately)
* You can do updates online for Gemini and DMM innovations without reflash your box.
What is already available in the Gemini-plugin:
Of course every start is difficult, because the Gemini-plugin was coded all up new from the ground.
The already available functions are:
geminiplugin - Gemini Bluepanel desktop with Cam-Center, Devicemanager, Quickbuton, Filemanager,...
gemininfs - Gemini app to configure the NFS server
geminictorrent - Gemini torrent app
geminiweather - Gemini weatherinfo app
geminicccaminfo - Gemini CCcam informations app
geminiwebcam - Gemini webcam app
geminirssreader - Gemini RSS reader app
geminirezapp - Gemini rezapp app
geminidreamlpd - Gemini printserver app
geminiupnpc - Gemini UPnP client app
geminihttpd - Gemini webserver app
geminiushare - Gemini UPnP mediaserver app
geminisambaconfig - Gemini app to configure the Sambaserver